…Design Services…

…Small Business Branding : Beginning at $50/hour…

This process begins with a consultation, to get a feel for the business, see the location, and determine the style moving forward. Logo designs will be created,
and a plan will be drafted for web/social presence, as well as collateral materials that may be effective in marketing the company.

…Website Design & Maintenance : Beginning at $50/hour…

Each business & their website needs are very different. Packages can be created to be fully maintained here at the studio, or can be “shared” so that you
can make your own changes to your website, if you’d prefer. This process will begin with a consultation to determine your business’s specific needs and the best options for you.

…Social Media Marketing : Beginning at $280/month…

Social media packages vary depending on the number of times per day you are wanting to post, as well as what kind of reach you are wanting.
This process will begin with a consultation to determine the best way to reach your clients. Additional charges may include: photography, content creation, additional posts, etc.